Malcolm Smith Singer Songwriter

The Journey

June 24, 2021

It’s been a long and interesting journey down the musical road of life for seasoned entertainer Malcolm “Jeffrey’s Head” Smith and if you read HIS BIO you’ll get the picture of the extensive experience outstanding vocalist  Malcolm Smith has enjoyed across Australia, entertaining during a lifetime of live performance. As mentioned in his biography he has even performed at the Perth Concert Hall with the Perth Philharmonic Choir, singing Verdi’s ‘Requiem’ – a breadth of musical discovery that has equipped him masterfully to reach p[eople with his unique voice.

 new Beginnings

But you can never stand still in music, and on returning to his old stomping ground of Perth, Malcolm was determioned to reinvent himself and strike out anew with a fresh approach, new songs under his belt and begina new and exciting phase in his music career.

You can enjoy Malcolm Smith’s msuic at leading venues around the Perth region.

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